Transformation   Class: Sculpture I  Materials: wood, paint  Year: 2018  Artist: 2nd year; Fine Art AOC    Students were asked to explore the materiality by creating a sculpture of at least 42” inspired by the 3D principles and elements of design.
  Clay Bust   Class: Sculpture I  Materials: Phoenix clay   Year: 2018  Artist: 2nd year; Fine Art AOC  In this project students were creating a clay bust of their partner using observational sculpting.  Students learned the materiality of clay using
  Wearable Wood   Material: wood, glass  Year: 2018  Student: 1st year, Humanities/Art AOC  Expanding upon the skills learning from the folded plywood assignment, students examined designing objects out of wood in which they would interact with or we
  Carousel    This “Mechanical Sculpture” project introduced Advanced Woodworking students to computer modeling for fabrication processes. Students used gear templates online to construct the working mechanics for the sculpture. Final pieces had to m
  Moveable exhibition space   This is the final of the Advanced Woodworking class. We had an outdoor exhibition of their best works from the class displayed on moveable walls we created as a class.  Class: Sculpture II  Materials: wood and various el
  Glass Casting   Class: Sculpture I  Materials:  cast glass, wood, string  Year: 2018  Artist: 2nd year; Art AOC    Students explored glass casting from wax. Explored translucent materials and the role of presentation.
  Protect or Present    Class: Sculpture I  Materials: Steel, sweater, glass container, broken glass and asphalt.  Year: 2017  Artist: 3rd year; Art AOC  This intro welding project explored using steel (sheets and rods) to create a form that would pr
  Site Specific Sculptures   Class: Sculpture I  Materials: Steel, spray paint, fabric   Year: 2018  Artist: 2nd year; Art AOC  This intro welding project explored using steel rods and soft materials to create a form that would be installed into a sp
  Positive Negative   Class: Sculpture II: Casting and Mold Making  Materials: plaster, coat, door mat  Year: 2018  This project explored casting as inspired by Rachel Whiteread’s use of positive and negative spaces. Students were introduced to the d
  Multiples   Class: Sculpture II   Materials: Plastic casts, astroturf, hazard waste containers   Year: 2018   Student: 3rd year Art history AOC  This project explored using one part silicone molds in Mold Max30. Students needed to create at least 5
 One Minute Sculpture  Class: Sculpture I   Materials: paper, found objects, audience, 1 minute   Year: 2018  This was a project exploring contemporary sculpture practices. Students used artist Ewin Wirm as inspiration and had to create a one-minute
  Time-based Sculpture   For this projects students were exploring time-based sculptures/installations. Displayed during a Pop-UP exhibition, the figure would eventually disappear the more people pushed the button as doing so released half and half i
  Wisteria   Image shows video still of interactive installation  Installation at Ringling College of Art’s Studios North. Student laser cut the various shapes of wisteria pedals and installed this work to be interacted with over the course of exhibi
  Wisteria   detail of final composition of the sculptural installation created from laser cut paper wisteria.  Material: repurposed books, fishing line, beads, scissors
  Wearable Thesis    Class: ISP wearable/soft sculpture   Materials: student’s graduating thesis paper, tape   Year: 2017   Student: 4th year English/Humanities AOC.   This student wanted to create a sculpture from her thesis paper which she would we
  Wearable Thesis   Class: ISP wearable/soft sculpture  Materials: student’s graduating thesis paper, tape  Year: 2017  Student: 4th year English/Humanities AOC.  Within this ISP we discussed folding and tessellation patterns for creating wearable wo
  I Don’t See Color   This work was created as part of student’s thesis exploring “othering” in society as seen through using design elements/principles and abstract creatures.  Class: Thesis Tutorial  Materials: Acrylic, acrylic paint, mirror, casts
  Untitled   The sculptures in the foreground were created in a tutorial which explored the use of CNC routing and Laser cutting to aid in the production of large sculptures. Pieces were installed for student’s thesis exhibition.  Class: FAB Lab tuto
  Sugarcoat (installation)   Class: Thesis Tutorial  Materials: Acrylic, cast objects, sprinkles, vinyl, prints, risograph calendar  Year: 2018  Artist: 4th year; Art AOC   Sugarcoat trademarks a series of artworks which bring to light the position p
  Sugar Coated   Detail- Pills that were a part of student’s final installation. Created using casting  for the white and red pills on the outside and middle pills were hand stuffed by student (filled with sugar and sprinkles).   Class: Thesis Tutori
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